Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sarah's favorite

This is a glamour portrait of Sarah. Believe it or not, I took this during a wedding portraiture workshop under Mr. Vic Sison. Yes, you may ask what's this kind if image doing on a wedding portraiture workshop. As every photographer knows, you'll get more than what you expected when sir Vic shares his knowledge in photography. So here we are ending up doing glamour portraiture at the end of the day. It's just a bonus actually. :)

This shot is perfect. Although it's blurred, it's still an art. As if it's meant to be that way. I remember the works of another legend named Manny Librodo. Some of his works are really "not good" in the photography world but still, he's proud to present them and you will actually see the beauty in them. He's a real artist. That's the same beauty I've seen in the photo below. It's also Sarah's favorite. I, therefore, believe this photo is perfect. :)

"Precious Lips"

I have more shots of Sarah but I haven't processed them together with her escort that time named Jeremy. I'll post more as soon as time permits. O:-)

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