Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Marquee Mall, Angeles City

Just sharing a short trip at Pampanga's newest mall - Marquee Mall in Angeles City. These photos were shot few days after its soft opening. Just casual snaps using my point and shoot handheld. My family and I were just there to see the mall and have dinner. It's a nice mall and it's quite big. I like the stores design. This, by the way, is owned by Ayala something. ^_^ The mall also has the biggest CDR-King branch I've ever seen! What I also like about Marquee mall is its grocery or supermarket store; first time I saw it when I was on my way to Subic last week. It has big International section where you'll find some of the nice grocery items you'll see around the world. My wife loves cooking international cuisines. She spends hours in this grocery section. Shhhh...

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