Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Moi Paella

It's been a while! I have to admit, it's kinda hard being an event photographer. Projects are usually months ahead! Although I'm good with that. Patience is a virtue. :-D I'm like a farmer waiting for my crops. Anyway, I'm glad I have a shoot this coming weekend. A batch reunion. Is it considered as a corporate event? The last one I had is also a corporate event two weeks ago. Two days of very tiring shoot and I really mean it! I was with my buddy photographer Ryan. There's so many photos that it makes me lazy to browse them. I'll post some photos from it sometime... soon. :-D

Now on to my topic, my wife cooked something special for me today. ;-) And it caught my camera's attention as well. :-D

"Moi Paella"

Do you think it's delicious? IT IS!!! :-D The best paella I had. It's jam packed with ingredients and she knows the taste to look for. :) Here's a secret for guys who wish their wife to get the kind of tastes they're looking for: Treat your wife regularly at your favorite restos and somehow discuss with her about what could be the factors why a certain dish is so delicious. Guys, it's a win-win situation trust me. :-D

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